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Home / Privacy and Cookies

  • What is this Privacy Policy for?

    Our aim is to offer you a hassle free and convenient web experience when you visit our website – To make that possible, we collect a small amount of information which is then used to remember your preferences and other useful data you fill in on your first few visits. These bits of information are also referred to as Cookies.

    Every time a service is offered through our website, it stores useful information on the device you’re using to access the Internet, which could be, your computer, mobile phone, tablet etc.

    Although these files do not tamper your personal identification, they do however:

    ○ Remember the device used and the platform it’s running on, so you’re not bothered to fill these information every time you surf through pages of Able Journeys’ website or when you access its services.
    ○ Detect that you have already filled in suitable information, like username and passwords, so you’re not prompted to re-submit it while circling through the website.
    ○ Calculate the traffic of people using our services, so they have a better, faster, experience on our website.

    Cookies can be managed as per your need and preference too. To find out more about Cookies refer to your Internet Browser Cookies Information.

  • What use do we have of Cookies

    AbleJourneys collects Cookies to gather non-personal information about our customers. Unless the administrative system of the website requires any specific information, no other information about you is collected.
  • More about Cookies

    On every visit to a website, a file is stored on your computer or device which contains a specific unique and anonymous number. These files are saved in the Cookies folder of your hard drive. Unless they are set to delete after every browsing session, Cookies remain in your hard drive even when you exit the site. Cookies do not hold any information that identifies you personally. You can also opt to not accept Cookies. You can avail most of the services offered by our website without choosing to store Cookies on your device.

    Every browser has Cookie management options, under which you can choose:

    ○ If you want to allow the Cookies to be created.
    ○ If you want to be prompted by your browser every time a site offers to place a Cookie on your hard drive, or
    ○ If you do not want to accept any Cookies at all.

  • Your Personal Information

    While accessing services from our website, the personal information you’re asked to fill in is strictly used to provide you with the information or service you requested for. We strive on maintaining all your personal information on our secure servers.

    AbleJourneys will only send information about your personal identification to other organizations once after granted your permission. Your personal information will only be forwarded to provide you the information you requested or service that you opted for on our website. We are required to allow access of your personal identification information if requested by law.

    By using our site and the services and information provided by us, you agree to accept our privacy policy. This privacy policy may change with time, if so, all changes will be mentioned on this web page.

